International Award
- Developing or leading educational programs focused primarily on family-owned enterprises with an international or global presence.
- Leading or engaging in professional consulting and advising practices that serve clients worldwide.
- Demonstrating efforts to engage educators, advisors, and consultants in cross-cultural advising and/or research.
- Publishing or published research on family-owned enterprises’ contribution to the global economy.
- Publishing or published cases that demonstrate national perspectives on differences and/or similarities in family-owned enterprises and family enterprise consulting.
Application Guidelines
- Nominees do not have to be members of FFI.
- Nominees may not nominate themselves or their organization.
- The application must be submitted electronically. Click here to complete the nomination form.
Please note that nominees will remain on the committee’s active list for two years following the year of nomination.
Award Notification: Nominees will be notified of the decision in writing by June 15 of the submission year. Winners are expected to be present at the FFI annual conference.
Award Recipients
Peter Jaskiewicz
Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition (SG-FECC)
Rodolfo Paiz
IMD Global Family Business Center
Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practice (STEP) Project
STEP and the STEP Business Families Special Interest Group
El Agamy Family
Dennis Jaffe
Judy Green
Guillermo Salazar
Mark Evans
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Leif Melin
Panikkos Poutziouris
Ernesto Poza
Joseph H. Astrachan
Randel Carlock and Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise at INSEAD
Josianne Fahed Sreih
Matti Koiranen
Joyce & Robert Brockhaus and Albert Jan Thomassen
Marta Vago
Instituto de la Empresa Familiar
Anthony Bogod and Peter Leach
Bocconi University Family Business Program and Loyola University Chicago Family Business Center
Barbara Murray