It is given to recognize and celebrate the strongest contribution in FBR, highlighting FBR‘s pioneering and anchoring role in the field of family business studies. Winners will be judged by a committee of three people from the FBR Editorial Advisory Board.
Award Recipients
Roy Suddaby, Wilson Ng, Natalia Vershinina, Gideon Markman, and Matthew Cadbury, Sacralization and the Intergenerational Transmission of Values in Cadbury
Honorable Mention: Christina Lubinski and William B. Gartner, Talking about (My) Generation: The Use of Generation as Rhetorical History in Family Business
Honorable Mention: Josh Wei-Jun Hsueh, Alfredo De Massis, Luis Gomez-Mejia, Examining Heterogeneous Configurations of Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms through the Formalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
Ali Azouz, Nicolas Antheaume, and Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Looking at the Sky: An Ethnographic Study of How Religiosity Influences Business Family Resilience
Honorable Mention: Vittoria Magrelli, Paola Rovelli, Carlotta Benedetti, Ruth Überbacher, and Alfredo De Massis, Generations in Family Business: A Multifield Review and Future Research Agenda
Yasaman Gorji, Michael Carney, and Rajshree Prakash, Celebrity Couples as Business Families: A Social Network Perspective
Honorable Mention: Kai Bormann, Sabrina Backs, and Christina Hoon, Organizational Ambidexterity in Family-Managed Firms: The role of family involvement in top management
Nancy B. Kurland, Sara Jane McCaffrey, Community Socioemotional Wealth: Preservation, succession, and farming in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Honorable Mention: Nadine Kammerlander, Holger Patzelt, Judith Behrens, Christian Röhm, Organizational Ambidexterity in Family-Managed Firms: The role of family involvement in top management
Honorable Mention: Hong Qiu, Mark Freel, Managing Family-Related Conflicts in Family Businesses: A Review and Research Agenda
Linda Murphy, Jolien Huybrechts, Frank Lambrechts, The Origins and Development of Socioemotional Wealth Within Next-Generation Family Members: An Interpretive Grounded Theory Study
Honorable Mention: Sabine Rau, Viktoria Schneider-Siebke, Christina Günther, Family Firm Values Explaining Family Firm Heterogeneity
Honorable Mention: Melanie Richards, Nadine Kammerlander, and Thomas Zellweger, Listening to the Heart or the Head? Exploring the “Willingness Versus Ability” Succession Dilemma
Francesco Barbera, Isabell Stamm, Rocki-Lee DeWitt, The Development of an Entrepreneurial Legacy: Exploring the role of anticipated futures in transgenerational entrepreneurship
Honorable Mention: Inés Herrero, How Familial Is Family Social Capital? Analyzing Bonding Social Capital in Family and Nonfamily Firms
Daniel Holt, Kristen Madison, Franz W. Kellermanns, Variance in Family Members’ Assessments: The importance of dispersion modeling in family firm research
Olivier Meier, Guillaume Schier, The Early Succession Stage of a Family Firm: Exploring the role of agency rationales and stewardship attitudes
Honorable Mention: Alfredo De Massis, Josip Kotlar, Federico Frattini, Jim Chrisman, Mattias Nordqvist, Family Governance at Work: Organizing for new product development in family SMEs
Trish Reay, Jane Glover, Sustaining the Family Business with Minimal Financial Rewards: How do Family Farms Continue?
Honorable Mention: Yannick Bammens, Anita Van Gils, Guy Notelaers, Implications of Family Business Employment for Employees’ Innovative Work Involvement
Nava Michael-Tsabari, Rania Labaki, and Ramona Kay Zachary, Toward the Cluster Model: The Family Firm’s Entrepreneurial Behavior Over Generations
Guido Corbetta, Carlo Salvato, Transitional Leadership of Advisors as a Facilitator of Successors’ Leadership Construction
Alex Stewart, Michael Hitt, Why Can’t a Family Business Be More Like a Non-Family Business?
Cristina Bettinelli, Boards of Directors in Family Firms: An Exploratory Study of Structure and Group Processes, June 2011
Jorn Block, Family Management, Family Ownership, and Downsizing: Evidence from S&P 500, June 2010
Jeremy Short, Tyge Payne, Keith Brigham, Tom Lumpkin, Christian Broberg, Family Firms and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Publicly Traded Firms: A comparative analysis of the S&P 500, March 2009
Honorable Mention: Hsiang-Lan Chen, Wen-Tsung Hsu, Family Ownership, Board Independence, and R&D Investment
Honorable Mention: Teresa Rothausen, Management Work – Family Research and Work – Family Fit: Implications for Building Family Capital in Family Business
Salvatore Sciascia, Pietro Mazzola, Family Involvement in Ownership and Management: Exploring nonlinear effects on Performance
Honorable Mention: Jose Allouche, Bruno Amann, Jacques Jaussaud, Toshiki Kurashina, The Impact of Family Control on the Performance and Financial Characteristics of Family versus Nonfamily Businesses in Japan: A matched-pair investigation
Honorable Mention: Annalisa Prencipe, Garen Markarian, Earnings Management in Family Firms: Evidence from R & D cost capitalization in Italy